Custom Web Designer
Custom Web Site Design and Maintenance
Front and Back Ends with Database Integration
Just about anyone can design a simple web site with "little or no knowledge of HTML" using some of the fancy programs that are available. And, there are individuals who can give you a "bargain-price" on web site design. However, you often get what you pay for and what you don't know can hurt your web site and your business!
There are many good reasons Why A Piece of the Net Should Design Your Web Site! However, our Portfolio attests to the quality and value of our work.
You might also find our handy brochure helpful: Planning Your Web Site (PDF).
Web Site Renovation
What seems like a deal isn't always a deal. Unfortunately, we often get what we pay for. If you got one of those bargains and are now disappointed with the results, we can help improve your web site. And, if you started to do your web site yourself only to find it to be more work and effort than you bargained for, we can take an unneeded burden off your shoulders Or, maybe you did have a great web site, but it is now dated and for an assortment of reasons, you now need an updated site and a new webmaster. >Whatever the reason, we can help with your web site renovation!
Internet Advertising
While having a web site is important to most businesses, it will not solve all your "advertising" worries by itself. A web site is easy to reach by anyone who knows about the site and it is relatively inexpensive (compared to other forms of advertising). But, just putting up a great site won't get people to your site. "Build it and they will come" just doesn't work. You will still have to market your web site (often through more tradtional forms of advertising) to get people to your site.
If that is true, why do I need a web site? That is a good question! There are several good reasons. One, most people expect you to have a web site and people often do not trust businesses that do not have a web site. Two, it is a great customer service tool that is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year AND virtually instantaneous. Therefore it is a great place to keep information that customers want and need regarding your business! Third, in most forms of advertising space is at a premium and usually includes very little information about your business, but you can keep this information handy at a web site that is referenced just like your phone number in all your other forms of advertising.
How Do I Get Started on My Web Site?
For more information, an estimate, or to schedule a consultation, contact us!
